I have lived in Japan for over 8 months. The first 3 months went by fast, the next 3 were that cold winter period where it became somewhat lonely, and the past 2 or so have gone by incredibly fast but have been the best two by far. It has been a very confusing, happy, lonely, life changing, and interesting experience living in “rural” Japan with several host families that I am still trying to grasp because it went by so fast but still so much has been and is currently happening…and will happen…I still have 2.5 months!!
My third host family is wonderful and we bond very well. I am living above their restaurant in their apartment with them and it’s a really cool set up. It’s kind of like having my own private sushi catering service. I bike ten minutes to get to school at 8:30 in the morning and school is over by 4:30. Then I bike to the train station and take the train for 15 minutes to archery practice where I have made a lot of friends. It’s been a recurring daily routine since the first months of my exchange and it’s getting easier week by week.