2018 Top5 the best snorkeling destinations in the world

If you’re exhausted from exploring historical sites or museum, why not slap on the snorkeling gear, and explore all the tropical fish and colorful reefs under the crystal-clear waters? To help plan your snorkeling adventure, we’ve pulled together 5 of the best places to snorkel around the world. Enjoy XXD

Taveuni Rainbow Reef, Fiji

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Tavenui, the third largest island in Fiji, is often called the “garden island” because of its colorful underwater life. The Rainbow Reef is famous for diving and snorkeling because of its luminescent coral structures. You can often encounter leopard sharks, eel, sharks, and barracudas in these waters. With soft, ice-colored coral and a slight current, the Great White Wall is also a popular dive site.

The Great Barrier Reef, Australia

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It only makes sense to start with the largest coral reef in the world, Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. This reef extends nearly 2,000 kilometers along the coast of Queensland and was added as a World Heritage area in 1981. It is one of the seven wonders of the natural world and the only living thing on earth visible from space. You can view abundant marine life and habitats around this massive reef, which is actually composed of over 2,900 individual reefs.

Andros Barrier Reef, Bahamas

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The Andros Barrier Reef is one of the longest barrier reef in the world, extending 124 miles long and situated a couple miles off the coast of Andros Island in the Bahamas. With huge vertical cliff drops, mangrove areas, and deep ocean trenches, this is a very popular diving destination. Large marine life, including tiger sharks, octopus, and barracuda call this reef home.

Raja Ampat Reef, Indonesia

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Indonesia’s Raja Ampat Reef is considered one of the most diverse coral regions in the world. Over 500 coral species and 1,300 fish live in these waters off the coast of West Papua, Indonesia. Raja Ampat means “the four kings,” which represent the four islands in the area: Batanta, Misool, Salawati and Waigeo. This is a great place to observe manta rays, dugongs, walking sharks, and pygmy seahorses, and the area above the water’s surface is majestically beautiful too.

Andaman Sea Reefs, India

Credit: Bigstock.com

The Andaman Sea is located on the edge of the Indian Ocean, and the most reefs can be found near the Andaman and Nicobar Islands in India, Mergui Archipelago in Myanmar, and the west coasts of Malaysia and Thailand. At least 200 coral species are thriving in this area and providing homes to around 400 species of tropical fish.

Article source: Tripstodiscover.com

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