Belize is located in eastern Central America and is bordered by Mexico and Guatemala. To the east, Belize has 240 miles (386 km) of coastline. Belize’s biggest draws are its islands and incredible dive sites, which include an expansive coral reef.
Inland, visitors can explore the ruins of Maya cities that once rivaled their Guatemalan neighbors.
The mainland coast of Belize also has a number of attractive beaches to choose from. Placencia Village, Hopkins, and Maya Beach are some of the most popular. In addition to the offshore attractions, these small beach towns also provide easy access to ancient Mayan sites, national parks, and wildlife preserves.
Top 4 Experiences in Belize
1. Exploring ATM (Cayo)
Actun Tunichil Muknal (ATM) is one of the Cayo District’s many cave systems. But ATM is a special cave because of how special and sacred it was to the Mayans, who considered it to be a literal passage to their gods’ grace.
2. Climbing Cahal Pech (Cayo)
You will see more impressive Mayan sites in the Cayo than Cahal Pech. But Cahal Pech possesses a quiet beauty, and there’s a casual ease to the site that makes it remarkably inviting.
Cahal Pech began as a solitary farmstead around 1200 BC and over the centuries grew to a hamlet and eventually a small citadel.
Pretty much hidden in plain sight right outside San Ignacio, its ruins form a jungle-like scramble of geometric stairs that lead to multiple chambers and rooms. The main structure rises some 60 feet high. Oftentimes you can freely explore this site with few to no other visitors. There’s a small visitor center, and if you want a guide you can hire one. But Cahal Pech is set up more like a small park than an archeological site.
3. Snorkeling Hol Chan Marine Reserve (Ambergris Caye)
A 20-minute boat ride from most of Ambergris, Hol Chan Marine Reserve is a very popular snorkel spot.
Hol Chan delights veteran snorkelers and dazzles beginners. And there are the sharks! At a sandbar within Hol Chan known as Shark-Ray Alley, you can snorkel among dozens of nurse sharks and stingrays. Swimming alongside these benign, yet naturally menacing-looking creatures, is surreal and exhilarating.
4. Biking the Beach (Ambergris Caye)
The beachfront on Ambergis Caye is lined with a variety of accommodations from boutique resorts to budget hotels.
Each property is linked by a more than 8-mile, single-track biking/walking trail that skirts the surf.
You can get on at any point along the shore. It’s a fantastic way to take in the numerous beachscapes of Ambergris.
Most travelers arrive via the international airport in Belize City. The airport is located on the outskirts of town. Dozens of daily domestic flights leave from Belize City’s municipal airport, making it quick to get to the different regions in the country. Since Belize is so small, driving is also possible. The main highways in Belize are well-maintained.