The plane left on the 16th of July, 2015. We were heading to Tokyo
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The first day ended very quickly, we were tired, very tired. After a walk in Ginza we rested a bit in a Park (Chiyoda) near the imperial palace. The view from there was quite impressive. Japanese trees in the foreground and skyscrapers in the background. I think that the view from the park was the best thing of the day. If you can, don’t go to Ginza, there’s almost nothing interesting apart from shops and boring, big, grey buildings. The first day in Japan was also our first experience with japanese culture and the first big question: can we eat in the street? Apparently no, but we did. I tried for the first time the Taiyaki, a fish-shaped cake filled with cream… wow! It’s so soft and tasty and just beautiful to look at. But the main concern of that first day was to reach Tokamachi, our home for the next 7 days. We went back to Tokyo station at 6 to take the train and I was surprised that everything went well. By 7 we were already in Echigo Yuzawa where we changed train and finally we got to Echigo Tsumari at 8. The first day with all its weird, new things was like if a river had crushed on us. I was overwhelmed by the so different japanese culture and also a bit worried for what could happen the next days. It’s always difficult to get used to changes and for me going to Japan was the first big change I had to get use to. As I said we were tired, so as soon as we got to the dorm we had dinner and went to bed curious to see how it would be to volunteer in Japan.