英語【Wilderness Therapy, Amish, Christanity, Gestalt therapy, Permaculture, Horticulture Therapy, Adventure Education, Eco-psychology, Intentional Community】
■Wilderness Therapyについて
■DAY 1 Boulder→Colorado Springs→Crestone
”ごめん、車がもうないんだ!” と言われ、困った。
■DAY 2 Crestone→Sand Dunes National Park→Alamosa→Crestone
お昼からはSand Dunes Parkという砂丘の公園にハイキングへ。
■DAY 3 Crestone
Support Local Products
Gluten Free
3日間にわたり、クレストンという街に滞在しました。とても不思議な街でした。もともと、ネイティブアメリカンの聖地であり、”Blooddless Valley”(無血の谷)と呼ばれる土地だそうです。彼らのセレモニーも周辺で行われたり、前述のとおり、世界中からの宗教があつまり、リトリートが行われています。そのうちのひとつのアシュラム(森の学校という意味だそうです)に訪れたのですが、ヒンズー教の影響を受けていたようでしたが、ヒンズー教ではないと。ユニバーサルなもので特定の宗教に当てはめないみたいでした。
I was traveling in Southern Colorado for 5 days. This is about 1 st to 3 rd day of travel.
■DAY 1 Boulder→Colorado Springs→Crestone
I was planing to rent a car in Boulder, but I have a car problem! The car I rented is so big car!!
The employee said “ I’m sorry. This is only we have. “
I asked him “ How can I get another car?”
He answered “ You could get it on the way in Colorado Springs.”
I decided to drive a big van. I have driven that one with 10 seats. I had finally arrived at Colorado Springs Air Port, passing the highway. However, I can do drive any car, wagon, van and any truck, I think. I noticed that I can do anything when I think I can do and vice versa. I remembered in the text of Psychology that We human beings just choice not to do, but we are not able to do.
The beautiful view is waiting for me after 3 hours driving. There is a road that loads to Crestone that has some religious place for retreat.
■DAY 2 Crestone→Sand Dunes National Park→Alamosa→Crestone
I visited one community for retreat. There are some kinds of religious community(ex. Tibetan Buddhism, Hindu, and newly emerging religious groups) I went to see a kind of church. I noticed that I have curiosity why people in U.S. tend to get interest in Eastern Philosophy.
Afternoon, I visited Great Sand Dunes National Park. I was planning to hike, but there were lots of mosquitoes!! I couldn’t stand anymore and I gave up hiking. Anyway there were great views I have ever seen. On the way back, I dropped in Alamosa to get fuel.
■DAY 3 Crestone
I went shopping to a grocery store in Crestone. There is ecologically and healthily conscious store though I expected super local store. Some of products say “Support Local Products!”, “Gluten Free” and something… It is natural for local people not enforcing. There is nothing like products in grocery store or convenience store in the town.
I had stayed in Crestone for 3 days. It’s amazing that there is an unique town in the base of Sun Luis. Originally, this is a sacred place for Native Americans and called “Bloodless Valley.” Some of Native Americans try to hold their ceremony even now. Kinds of religion from the world gather this place and hold their retreat. I visited one of them called Ashram that means forest school(?). They are influenced by Hinduism, but they are not Hindu. They call themselves “universal.”
I found that there is a similar thing in both Crestone and Mt. Fuji where I live in Japan. That is the place where religious groups gather and known as the sacred place for praying the world peace. See the info. I thought I start what I can do for my neighbor though world peace is too much for me.