Money is a struggle. For almost everyone. Those who have some are afraid to lose it. Those who don’t have any wish they had more.
There is a really few people down here who are really in peace with their financial situation.
To be fully able to appreciate the fair value of money, I think that we need at some point to know how it feels not to have any.
This statement comes from a lot of personal thoughts and experiments, and you don’t need to agree with. Just try to accept it as a possibility.
Get rid of all your money, credit card and cash. How would you manage to survive? Would you let yourself die starving? Probably not.
Let’s say that you go, just for the experiment, in a foreigner country, where you don’t speak any word of their language (let’s take Japan).
So you arrive in Japan, without money, with a huge language barrier, and you only have the day to figure out where to sleep and how to eat.
You’ll probably not be scared upfront. You can’t be scared when you’re actually 100% in the situation. You don’t have time to be scared anyway, because you have to figure out, whatever it takes.
For sure, we’re not used to live this kind of situation, because in 2016, most of us have this safety net named money which make us pretty safe whatever the situation is. Even if we don’t have much of it.
Anyone talk about “going out of his comfort zone” nowadays. It’s like a redundant life advice that you can hear anywhere. I see this experiment as a way not only to get out of it, but moreover to extend it way wider.
But to make it real, let’s add a mission. Let’s say that your mission is to go cross-country with your bagpack and nothing more.
It would probably be one of the most risky things that you’ve done so far. But this is also the greatest occasion to live your life in the most intense way ever! You have to survive. This is the real game!
So you arrive in Japan with you bagpack, without money, without speaking a work of Japanese, and you decide to cross the country.
I have no idea what people are dreaming about when they go to bed at night.
But this is personally what I picture in my mind. This situation and experimental mission excites me so bad that I sometimes can’t even sleep when I start thinking about it.
“What if I actually decide to do it?”
The last times I asked this question to myself, I ended up taking a bike to cross Europe and USA, or booking a flight to go to Bali and work from there.
I could find tons of reasons not to do it. And I could count on people I know to do their best to convince me I’d better work more to make some money instead of dreaming like a 5 yo irresponsible kid.
Point is I only need 1 good reason: this idea is what excites me the most today and for a few months.
So, whatever it takes:
Japan, here I come. Soon or later ❤