Nogawa park is a public park in Chofu, Tokyo. This park is ‘blessed’ with great rustic beauty, as well as abundant water and greenery. Nogawa park was by far, the best place to hunt for mushrooms. In a 3 meter radius, you can find approximately 5~6 different species of mushrooms, depending on the location. (The areas near the pine trees, for example, don’t have any) Some of the prime locations that I found within the park are bushery grasslands covered in thin layer of dead leaves, or areas in the shadow surrounded by thick trees. It was only a 30 minute walk through the park, but it was more than satisfying to discover so many different species.
Astraeus sp: Post-pop.
Ganoderma australe.: The surface of this mushroom is practically gray, but they purposefully mount their spores atop of themselves, which makes it appear cinnamon colored. This specie is rapidly increasing in Japan due to global warming.
Amanita longistriata: Poisonous! Angel of death.
Boletus pulverulentus: Instantly changes color to dark green/blue when touched. Edible, as inedible as it seems.
Russula Bella: It has a unique smell of a beetle. Powdery surface, spicy, patches of red and white both on the gill and the stem.
Ramariopsis kuntzei: No smell, no flavor.
And others: