Triplisher Stories

Catching Flight MM023, a Series of Unfortunate Events

David Bryan

Flight MM023 from Osaka, Japan
Destination from Taipei Taoyuan International Airport
Departure Time: 7:50

5:23am Wake up in a panic 7 minutes before your alarm goes off, brush your teeth, pack your bag, leave the hostel

5:42 Navigate Japanese subterranean maze, board subway from Higobashi Station

5:55 Board 6am bus to Osaka International Airport

5:57 Realize your flight does not leave from Osaka International Airport, grab your bags, get off the bus

6:10 Find the hidden second floor mall entrance to Nankai-Namba Train Station

6:28 Board Train to Kansai Airport

6:29 Learn your arrival time will be 35 minutes before your international flight

6:30 Learn that check-in closes 50 minutes before departure time

6:30–7:13 Despair

7:14 Train arrives, doors open, you run, mostly in the wrong directions

7:28 Get turned away by cute ticket agent, give up on life, go buy a candy bar

7:33 Ticket agent finds you in airport 7/11 she says “Mr. David, I’ve called manager, please hurry.”

7:33 Fall in love with ticket agent

7:36 Reach security, remember you have water, try to dump it out, you’re not allowed to dump out water, drink it, all, it runs down your beard, you’re causing a scene

7:39 Lie to customs agent, agree that, yes you’re going back to American after Taiwan

7:42 Run

7:46 Arrive at gate, you still have Japanese pocket wifi in a prepaid return envelope in your backpack

7:48 Coerce airport employee into taking your package, explain while backing away, you are not a drug mule

7:49 Run across Tarmac like Rocky

7:50 You have successfully boarded flight MM023

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