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    Hutsadin Elephant Foundation

    0.0 Hua Hin, Thailand

    About the place

    Hutsadin Elephant Foundation offers the visitor a variety of attractions. At present we have 3 elephants available for trekking. Each trek can be half an hour or an hour and you will be taken through the surrounding areas. After your trek you will be able to watch a small show by our youngest elephant, or if you would prefer you are welcome to wash her instead and there will be plenty of opportunities for some amazing photos. After this you may want to visit our retired elephants. If you prefer a more hands approach, you may want to try our 'mahout experience' where you will get a talk about the foundation and its ethos plus the individual stories of all our elephants and why they were rescued, you will also help to take care of our retired elephants for the morning(9.00a.m - 12.00), in this time you will get to prepare food, give medication, clean their shelters, take one for a walk and then give her a wash. Will receive a t shirt to remember your time with us and you are welcome to have a free vegetarian lunch and ice cream to finish your morning. (please e mail for details as only available on certain days and only small groups are taken). If you can't spare three hours but still want something 'hands on' you can take one of elephants for a walk and then wash then on return - approximately 1/2 hour. If you just want to have a look around the foundation and chat to some of the English speaking volunteers you are more than welcome and there is no charge, however they are only there on a Monday, Wednesday or Friday morning. All of our elephants have been rescued and all have their own story, there is an information board near the seating area where you can learn more about each individual elephant.A final word to clarify the situation :- you may be asked for a tip or to buy trinkets from the mahouts - this is entirely up to you and is not supported by the foundation. Any money that you give to the mahouts DOES NOT go into the foundation funds and is not used to buy food etc (no matter what you may be told). Should you wish to make a donation please put it into the box in the front office or give to one of the volunteers. As a warning, some taxi/tuk tuk drivers will try to take you to other elephant attractions - to ensure that you come to Hutsadin phone the number at the top of the page we can provide a taxi that will bring you here. If you are making your own way, our staff all wear white clothing, volunteers wear Hutsadin t shirts. We are located at the very top of the hill (coming from town) on the right hand side, go past the signs and turning for Elephant Village We hope that you enjoy your visit and find it a memorable experience.Please post your comments on tripadvisor for the benefit of others.

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    176 Moo 7 Nongplub Rd , Hua Hin 77110 , Thailand
    Opening hours
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