This post is about C81 and the enigmatic CDS Japan trip. As any savvy otaku knows, C81 is so last year. We were just too lazy to bother posting about it. Till now anyway. *Pictures galore, beware!*
As most of our dear readers/fanboys/girls/stalkers will have now realised (thanks to FB), CDS made a stealth foray into the frigid depths of Japan in what was to be our most adventurous and epic trip ever; to participate (together with Surface) in Comiket 81 and have a rocking good time in wintery Japan. Complete with Kabuki cho, K-on, earthquakes and Akihabara for all that nutritious goodness that young healthy men need.
The legendary Big Sight. Comiket takes place in the basement halls.
For most doujin artists, Japan and Comiket are somewhat analogous to a trip to the Mecca for Muslims; It’s a *must* to make the pilgrimage sometime during their careers to hawk their wares alongside their Japanese counterparts. It’s really a magical experience, but the planning involved is closer to that of a military operation than that of a holiday trip. After 6 months of planning and headaches over logistics and language, party members Xeph, TC and Mantoro made their way over to Japan in the wee hours of the morning in a discounted (and very empty) post-Christmas flight.
Asakusa Dori in the morning. Feels like K. Kanehira’s paintings due to the distinct lack of people.
Being somewhat of a budgeted trip, the stay consisted mainly of camping out in the suburbs in Asakusabashi and making daily forays into nearby Akihabara and Asakusa for supplies and leisure. No epic meal time till after c81!
The queue for booth holders (yes, there is a long queue)
The queue (horde) of ippanjjin. so many people it looked like they were evacuating tokyo or something.
Speaking of which, C81 was quite the ordeal for the entire team. Split into booth members (because of the paltry amount of tickets) and cannon fodder, the CDS team experienced the full spectrum of the event, lining up to go in during the wee hours in the bitter cold alongside throngs of dedicated young japanese men and women in an effort to get their goods before they were inevitably sold out.
Setting up in the east hall. Our mysterious helper K did alot of legwork for us, Thank you!!!! We didnt have pictures afterwards, because we were simply too busy to take any (and photos in the hall are strictly forbidden).
The lovely booth decorations that almost killed us making it at the very last minute. Given away to some lucky guy at the end of the event.
So, while we had lousy excuses for not taking any photos, we also did sell out at the end of the event. It was certainly a humbling experience to sell our doujin alongside world famous artists like QP flapper (who was just opposite us), Range Murata (who had a lovely last exile book), Essentia, White Datura, Sayori and many other ultra high level people. It goes to show that no matter where you come from, the works we produce speak the same language of passion which is universally appreciated by fans all over the world. Thank you!!!!
For those who havent gotten it yet, Toranoana now stocks our books too as exclusives y(^ ^)y
Naturally, having had a tiresome, yet extremely rewarding experience at C81, it would be somewhat elementary that the team, together with our partners in crime PeaCH (better known as Peecee in SEA) and K, would enjoy a satisfying new year’s dinner at none other than the spanking awesome okonomiyaki place, Yukari, in Akihabara’s UDX.
The only thing which could have made this even more awesome was bacon strips. and bacon strips. and baco- nevermind.
And after this was party time in Japan, in which the gang traveled high and low in search of numerous delicacies for the senses in an orgy of exploration fit for the bravest of men; down Nakano broadway, up Harajuku, along Ikebukkuro and many other esoteric sites in search of anime treasures which could only be experienced in Japan.
Obligatory shot of a life sized Homura in Sunshine city’s Madoka Magica exhibition.
Our dear leader about to get his head chomped off by Charlotte at the Goodsmile Cafe in Akiba.
Blurry pic of Saber’s brand new ride, also at Goodsmile Cafe.
Snapped while we were catching the legendary K-on movie. Full of healing goodness ❤
New year food market in Harajuku park!
Best. crepe. ever.
Rocking Jelly Bean! Mantoro’s favorite new find in Japan.
And of course, everyone’s staple doujin shop, Toranoana.
Also, Nakano Broadway!
But alas, before long it was time to go back to dreary Singapore to plan our next phase of works. And back home we went. So, perhaps what we’d like to say is that we would encourage every doujin artist out there to try their best to plan such a trip, because its well worth the cost and heartbreak, but really what we would say is that we went because it was our destiny. Arrogant, yes, but if it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing it well. Have a happy CNY, and we’ll catch you after the break!
Most otaku travelers will know this sight.
The last station you’ll ever see before hitting the long and lonely trip to the airport.
Originally published at by TC on January 19, 2012.