Why are our trains not as on time?Why is our service so the suck?Where to return my tray?Where is the water dispenser in the restaurant?Why do I have to pay for plain water?Where are the beautiful kimono-clad ladies?Why do I have to wipe my ass?Why is our sushi so thin?Why are our public toilets so dirty?Why do people talk on the train?Why do people make phone calls on the train?Where is the recycling bin?Where are the fellas who push us into the trains at rush hour?Why do people not keep to one side of the escalator when they are just standing still?Why is our public transport so cheap?Why do our grapes taste so common?Why are our watermelons not square?Why don’t our UFO Catcher machines have better prizes?Why don’t our convenience stores sell Oden (おでん)?When can I return to Japan?