I have been using Voigtlander Heliar 12mm for some months but rarely had chances to shot some landscape photos with it. Here is my very simple and quick impression on it.
Voigtlander Heliar 12mm f/5.6 Lens has an ultra wide angle of view of 121° horizontally. It is the world’s widest non-fisheye lens available for 35mm camera. (Actually equals to 18mm in my GXR.)
The M mounted lens is made in Japan by Cosina. This company offers a wide rangle of an price-friendly alternatives to Leica’s expensive lens. And more importantly, with VM12 you can shoot wider views that no Leica lens can compare with up to this moment.
The metal lens built with good quality which makes it easy to use. But its aperture is limited to only f/5.6 at maximium. And like most of the wide angle lens, vignettes do exists. I mounted the lens into Ricoh GXR M mount module, in which the built-in software fine tuned for m mount, the vignette issue is acceptable and the overall images quality is quite good. The blue color is especially impressive.
When everywhere is crowded in the city, having an urban sunbathing on the rooftop is a nice idea.
And that’s why you are writing on Medium.
Five years ago I interviewed an eCommerce expert for sake of writing a piece of magazine article about digital marketing. The expert, who had more than 10 years experience of running eBay and Yahoo auction stores, mumbled to share his skills as if there is a very big commercial secret behind.
He told me that since he was running eCommerce classes in teaching skills like how to write a good product titles with keywords that people frequently search, or how to design and upload an attractive product photos, he could not share his knowledge with me which may lowered people’s curiosity to register his classes.
Realising and respecting his willingness of not disclosing what he regarded “confidential”, I finished the interview without getting much useful information.
I met the above expert in 2011, when Facebook was popular but still not a very mature tool for promoting businesses in Hong Kong. What most people thought about eCommerce were hardly more than setting up a company homepage or online store, plus some SEO (search engine optimisation) strategy or Google Adwords campaigns to boost traffic.
At that time Facebook ads or analytical tools like Socialbakers were not as popular as it looks like now, and Instagram was still not acquired yet.
Social media is an important driving force encouraging people to share knowledge.
Few months later I covered a startup story of anther online marketer. He claimed to have been sharing as much as technical skills he knew in his blog and this was his key way to attract website traffics as well as business opportunities.
This time the interview was much more smooth and I ended up with getting more information than what I need for a 3-pages personal interview report. To me his attitude on sharing knowledge represent some kind of changes on how people using social media like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and so so far.
Years went by, we saw the majority of marketers, startup founders and experts in different fields are increasingly open-minded to share technical knowledge on blog or social media.
Many of them even pay ads to promote a personal blog writing professional knowledge, which help shape and consolidate their image as an expert. This strategy is proved to be much more successful than playing the “game of mystery” like the class tutor I met in 2011.
Nowadays anyone writing about marketing, cooking, travelling, design, or politic has a chance of having their posts go viral and became key opinion leaders. By contrast, writing a very thick books or teaching on a class became less effective of promoting ones’ professional image.
That’s why scientists as famous as Stephen Hawking writes in social media pages including Weibo, and the White House and Hillary Clinton have to publish their political agenda in Medium. The number of likes and shares of a post, rather than the number of sales of a book, indicate how influential an article and its author is.
寫長文時Medium方便程度大勝。尤其是想為圖片加caption時,Tumblr的text post就沒有相關功能,岀photo post的話,又會整篇文章都變成caption。Tumblr後台雖把圖片、文字等帖文分類,但不少版面設計都未能美觀而一致地呈現各類帖文,假如有一篇text post夾雜在多篇photo post之間,版面難免混亂。Tumblr也有不少功能專業的template,效果相當良好,但複雜程度比Wordpress有過之而無不及。如果只想閒時無聊寫blog的話,不如用Medium;如果是為公司設立專業網站的話,還是Wordpress較好。Tumblr有很多設計師和攝影師使用,但圖多文章少,而且部分用戶是不斷reblog而不發原創內容,不易找到可讀性高的文章。Medium由於版面超級精簡,載入時間比Tumblr或其他社交平台更快。
相片數相少,也沒有純展示相片的展示格式,這方面Tumblr贏九條街。中文用戶比Tumblr更少,像孤島一樣,要有心理準備如不在其他平台推廣的話,Medium中文內容的讀者人數肯定少得可憐。版面欠個人特色。早前用戶還可自訂類似facebook的Cover photo,此功能取消後,所有人的頁面都變得一式一樣。
Do you know what all these C-level titles stand for? CEO, CTO, CSO, COO, CBO, CCO, CQO…
As a startup member and a reporter who used to be covering startup stories, I saw founders’ titles in name cards are getting increasingly frustrating, when everyone in a 5 people or 2–3 people startup company entitled with one or even more C-level or director-level roles. You can hardly know what their functional roles are.
Do titles matter in start up? Certainly YES for both division of work organizational and external communication. With giving co-founders and initial staffs high-ranking titles, you can encourage the morale of team members when a start up company do not have budgets to offer competitive incentives or other material benefits. Clients will also feel good to talk with an important person from a company.
However, titles are indeed not free benefits.
A CEO title hides your profession and talent, instead it means you are the one leading the overall operation, creating company culture and direction. And a “Head of…” title indicates that you have a team working for you. For the small startup companies that all member are both thinkers and doers, this may cause clients overestimate your company structure and create false expectations. (But if pretending to be a big company is part of your strategy, it will be another story.)
Another problem is,how should you entitle the new comers when your company grows?
Few year after starting your business, you will have new employees or partners. Many of them will possibly be talents who are more experienced than the co-founders. But all the C-level titles are conquered. Should the new comer be manager or just executive? To be practical, founders should have no hesitate to handover their chief managing roles if there are suitable replacement, or just leave it blank in the beginning.
Founder + A Functional Title
To make it simple, I suggest founders for startups (especially small ones) can just call themselves the Founder, plus a functional role to show your expertise. For example:
Founder and Social Media SpecialistFounder, Interior DesignerFounder and Sales Representative
In this way, titles could be simple but meaningful.
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