Voronoi Diagrams of Railway Stations in Japan

Yuta Akizuki

A Voronoi diagram is a partitioning of a plane into regions based on distance to points in a specific subset of the plane.
In this article, railway stations in Japan are applied to make a set of Voronoi diagrams.


Tokyo is one of the highest density cities in the world. As you can see in the right bottom of the map below, small planes are rather clustered than the other areas in the map. The area is the very center of Tokyo such as Chiyoda, Chuo, Minato and Shinjuku wards.


Then, Osaka, the second largest city in Japan, is the target for the application. The reduced scale is the completely same as the one for Tokyo, but it apparently has larger planes than those in Tokyo.


Last, we can see the Voronoi diagram applied for whole Japan.

The railway stations are plotted as a white dot. Those dots stand out in Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Hiroshima and Sapporo while those of inland regions are quite tough to see, which leads that the inland regions tend to have large planes especially in Nagano, Gifu and the Tohoku region.

Other Data

Number of Stations

The number of stations is basically related to the population. However, Hokkaido has the second most stations due to the largest land in Japan.

Number of Stations per 1km2

This is inversely relative to the area.

Average Number of Users per Station

This is also kind of inversely relative to the area.

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