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Byodoin Temple, Uji, Japan

Byodoin Temple, Uji, Japan
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Byodoin Temple, Uji, Japan

Byodoin Temple, Uji, Japan
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Tempio Byōdō-in

Byodoin Temple, Uji, Japan
Questo tempio si trova nella cittadina di Uji, vicino a Kyoto. E' inserito tra i patrimoni dell'UNESCO ed è rappresentato sulle monetine da 10 Yen.
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Byodoin Temple, Uji, Japan
Byodoin Temple, Kyoto, Japan In 1052, Byodoin Temple was built by the Regent, Fujiwara no Yorimichi by rebuilding the villa, given by his father, Michinaga. The year 1052 was said to be the beginning of a decadent age when Buddhism was thought to be dying out and pessimism due to decadence infected the minds of aristocrats and monks. Jodoshinko (belief in Jodo), which prays for peaceful death and rebirth in Gokuraku (nirvana), widely spread throughout society. In 1053, the following year, Amidado (Hoo-do (Phoenix Hall)) was completed and in the Hall, the Amida Nyorai (Amitabha Tathagata) Seated Statue at a height of 2.43m, created by Jocho, the greatest sculptor during the Heian Period, was situated and it is said that it was the most extravagant of the time. The building and statutes created about 1,000 years ago have been passed down to this day and are registered as a World Heritage Site. For video, please visit
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Byodoin Temple

Byodoin Temple, Uji, Japan
Una de los dos Patrimonios de la Humanidad que se encuentran en Uji. Y muy hermoso el Buda de su interior.
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Uji Byodo-in Temple "Hoo-do"

Byodoin Temple, Uji, Japan
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Byodoin Temple, Uji, Japan
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宇治 平等院:鳳凰堂

Byodoin Temple, Uji, Japan
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Byodoin Temple, Uji, Japan
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平等院ミュージアム鳳翔館 (Byodo-in Museum "Hoshokan")

Byodoin Temple, Uji, Japan
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平等院鳳凰堂 鳳凰 Phenix at the Byoudou-in

Byodoin Temple, Uji, Japan
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Byodoin Temple, Uji, Japan
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平等院 鳳凰堂

Byodoin Temple, Uji, Japan
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平等院 kyoto byodoin

Byodoin Temple, Uji, Japan
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Byodoin Temple, Uji, Japan
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Phoenix reborn with the Sun

Byodoin Temple, Uji, Japan
The exterior decoration of phoenix figure on top of the Byodoin Buddhist temple in Uji city, Kyoto, Japan. The figure of phoenix contrast with the Sun light in the evening time.
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